One question is impossible to read without smiling:
What Is It About GWB That Makes You Want to Serve Him?Outside the fact that such blatant political bias is in violation of the Hatch act (and Monica's bias successfully kept our so called 'anti-terrorism' team at the DOJ packed with inexperienced dilettantes--see post below), I could not help but noting the odd wording of the question 'serve him'...Rather lordly that, with all kinds of perverse feudal, not to mention, sexual overtones. But the favorite connotation, drawn out by a wit over at Talkingpoints memo, has to be the reference to Rod Serling's brilliant Twilight Zone episode:
A race of aliens known as the Kanamits land on Earth and promise to be nothing but helpful to the cause of humanity. Initially wary of the intentions of such a highly advanced race, even the most skeptical humans are convinced when their code-breakers begin to translate one of the Kanamit's books, with the seemingly innocuous title, "To Serve Man."
Sharing their advanced technology, the aliens quickly solve all of Earth's greatest woes, eradicating hunger, disease, and the need for warfare. Soon, humans are volunteering for trips to the Kanamits' home planet, which is supposedly a paradise.
All is not well, however, when a code-breaker discovers the Kanamits’ true intentions: Their book, "To Serve Man", is a cookbook, and all their gifts were simply to make humanity complacent, much like fattening pigs or cows before they are slaughtered.
Truly, let us serve Bush up, with sugared yams.
In answer to the question, the potential employee could have offered that he wanted to 'serve Bush' because of his excellent ratio of fat to meat. Or perhaps he might have opined that he wanted to serve Bush before he got to old and stringy, like his pa?
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