Saturday, February 7, 2009

For the next time...

  • need to discuss that $500,000 CEO cap with a wall street titan who feels abused...
  • need to defend the Employee Fair Choice Act
  • ...someone announces the fruits of 'raw' Capitalism as practiced in this country
  • have a wealthy relative over who decries the 'socialism' of the Democrats.

    Begin with two words: Fuck you. Then show them this

    Compared to the pay rate of an average CEO, the average full-time worker would have to work in the upwards of 385 years to make what a CEO receives in one year. During the 1980s the pay gap between CEO and ordinary factory workers grew from 42 times to
    almost 85 times (Byrne 1991).

    In 2004 CEOs in the United States made over 475 times as much as the average worker.

    Country Ratio of CEO pay to
    average worker pay

    Japan 11:1
    Germany 12:1
    France 15:1
    Italy 20:1
    Canada 20:1
    South Africa 21:1
    Britian 22:1
    Hong Kong 41:1
    Mexico 47:1
    Venezula 50:1
    US 475:1

    Europe has far better equity than we have and they are already
    taking it to the streets.

    Are we such docile chumps that we will watch the Oligarchs (excuse me, 'Masters of the Universe'),the Evangelical brain dead (excuse me, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ted Haggard, Rick Warren and their gay baiting, war mongering, piously inane hypocritical followers) and the Republican fuckwits whose last course in economics was in the sandbox of Milton Friedman where they learned that screaming it's mine, it's mine is all that matters and taxes per Lilly Helman were for the little people (that's us). .... destroy this country without a peep?

    Stay tuned.
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