Friday, April 24, 2009

Scrub Stock - Pat Buchanan and the troglodyte brigade

For those who don't know, troglodytes are another name for cave dwellers. It's an insult to be sure, but more than an insult it points to a dark view of reality constricted as if witnessed from the mouth of a narrow cave. That's Pat. You know Pat Buchanan, the same happy go lucky Nazi wannabe who penned:

"First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known."

He's almost topped himself by railing vehemently against the Obama administration for having the audacity to engage in talks with socialist like Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua who he claims is a 'scrub stock' a term with a long racist pedigree implying inferior heritage or stock. He thinks there's a special 'DNA' in Americans that allows them to be particularly vehemently paranoid, jingoistic and stupid in almost equal measure.

"It is this part of America that does not understand how the president could sit in Trinadad and listen to the scrub stock of hemisphere trash our country--and say nothing"

Now, he actually maybe right. Maybe there is a hind quarter of America, the denizens of trailer parks, the low rent back water bars, and, naturally, the brain dead conservative pundit or two that actually thinks listening to criticism about your nation is indefensible prima facie. Furthermore, it's likely that said grouping of people are probably on the low end of the bell curve and, if we were doing what Pat does--generalizing from prejudiced opinion and racist attitudes -- we might just say something like the low rent crackers that currently make up whatever remains of the Republican party are kibbitzing about Obama listening to another head of state because they are knuckle dragging cave dwellers. We needn't pay attention to them, because, from all apparent evidence they are nothing more than scrub stock.

Of course, I'm not a racist asshole, so I won't say that, but you get my drift.

In a just world, Pat would be turned into the equivalent of media dog food for his stupidity. But this isn't a just world. This is a world where 99% of the wealth is owned by 1% of the population and that population is old and probably as dunderheaded as Pat. That's why we still see his silly racist butt on prime time television when the old boy should have been shit canned along with the Jim Crowe laws we shit canned nearly a half a century ago.

Pat, sometime I'm going to spend more than five minutes thinking about your sorry ass confederate legacy. Trust me, it's not something you should look forward to.


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