Friday, August 15, 2008

In the year of living obviously

In the year of living obviously

(Headline, MSNBC) BREAKING NEWS: Defense secretary Gates says U.S. does not want another cold war with Russia

Outside of troglodytes who call themselves neoconservatives (John McCain, Charles Krauthammer, Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Billy Kristol, Paul Wolfwitz) is there anyone on this earth who actually wants another cold war with Russia? Anyone?

Directly underneath this 'Breaking news'
Price spikes erode U.S. standard of living

Now then...Who here thinks spiking prices would not erode the US standard of living? Raise your hands! I'm waiting....

And, finally we have these exquisitely thought out notes from Hillary Clinton's chief 'strategist', Mark Penn's ever fertile mind....

Requirements for any Launch...

1. Functioning political and fundraising operation

2. Basic Message about how you would change America, combined with willingness to listen and refine
3. The outline of major policy directions
4. National and local press strategies
5. Plan for 1st visits to key states
6. Web operation ready to go
7. Response war room for attacks/research operation
8. fwp (first woman president plan)

Yes, make sure we have a functioning political and fund raising operation and a basic message about how we would change America.

That will be $1,000,000, please.

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