Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Plea to the guy at the podium

From Hunter at dKos:

Our nation has been through so much
These last few thousand days.
Our battered hearts and weary souls
Look now for warming rays.
Our confidence is shattered;
Our discourse in the muck;
And so I have just one request:
Please, Obama -- please don't suck.

From Enron to the oil kings
Our country has been sold
And to the lowest bidders,
And we all have gotten rolled.
More tax cuts for the rich,
While the barons pass the buck;
It seems impossible to ask
But Obama: please don't suck.

Our soldiers in Iraq will stay
For many months, at least,
Because we thought preemptive war
Was a more docile beast.
Our diplomacy has become farce
Our policies, amok;
If you want to be in charge of it
Then Obama -- please don't suck.

It would be very simple
To let it slip away;
A pardon here, a bill, a law,
A tactical delay.
The lobbyists and crooks remain,
Always looking for a schmuck,
But we have few chances left,
So Obama:

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