Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin's Daughter's Love Mutt

According to the New York Post, this is Sarah Palin's daughter's love interest, some fellow named Johnston:
On his MySpace page, Johnston boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.

"But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess."

"Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added.

He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."

Aside from that last blow to the Pro-Life and Evangelical for whom reproduction appears less a biological function than a moral mandate, this boy is almost perfect Republican material.

I guess the future of the GOP is in the great white North. Or maybe just its wilderness.

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