Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bah Humbug! Bankers cheating workers of pay on Christmas eve?

Bank of America received $25 billion from the government's financial bailout package, but none of that money went to pay laid off laborers a dime of the 60 days severance owed them by law. Instead, Republic Windows and Doors, financed by Bank of America laid off 250 workers with only 3 days notice, without severance packages of any type and without health benefits -- right before the Christmas Holidays.

In a memo to the union, obtained by the business journal, Republic CEO Rich Gillman said the company had "no choice but to shut our doors." because Bank of America refused to finance the payment of the workers--even as they were paid billions by US taxpayers.

In retaliation, about 250 union workers occupied the Republic Windows and Doors plant in shifts Saturday while union leaders outside criticized the Wall Street bailout they say is leaving laborers behind.

from AP
Leah Fried, an organizer with the United Electrical Workers, said the Chicago-based vinyl window manufacturer failed to give 60 days' notice required by law before shutting down.

During the two-day peaceful takeover, workers have been shoveling snow and cleaning the building, Fried said.
Fried said the company can't pay its 300 employees because its creditor, Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America, won't let them.
The laborers are not leaving: "We're going to stay here until we win justice," said Blanca Funes, 55, of Chicago, after occupying the building for several hours.

Good on them. And one hopes the miserable wretches at Bank of America that made this decision will have a woeful night or two with visits from the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. My only question? Will they even have the barest outline of a soul that managed to save Ebenezer Scrooge after his visitation from Jacob Marley and the three ghosts? Or are they all well and truly damned?

I feel certain I can hear the 'bah humbug' from here, and the tormented howl of Jacob Marley cursing these rapacious bankers to hell.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to Post a Comment

Did you know there is a bailout for you? Probably not, but Obama is making it better for us already! Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU

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