Monday, December 22, 2008

Dick Cheney on Dick Cheney

"I'm very comfortable with where we are and what we achieved substantively"
--FoxNews, 12/22/2008

Yes, let's list those achievements, shall we?

1 destroyed country
Nearly 4 million people displaced, 2 million internally in Iraq
Approximately 1 million civilians dead
4000+ US Soldiers dead
Terrorism on the rise by almost every measure across the globe

1 destroyed city (New Orleans)
1 un-successfully conducted war, still unfinished in Afghanistan
World wide derision and antipathy

The world's largest economy (USA) destroyed (thanks to the evisceration of regulation pushed through by Republicans--in particular the economic standard bearer for McCain's failed bid -- Phil Gramm and, of course, the Ayn Rand idolizer 'bubbles' Greenspan.)

1 hunting partner's face shot up.

Yes, Dick, it's been a helluva run.

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