Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lame Duck Senate Republicans Destroy the US Auto Industry

I guess destroying New Orleans, Iraq and Afghanistan just wasn't enough. They've just voted to let the US Auto industry die.

Now I loathe the Big 3 and have avoided American cars for a long time. But I hate union busting Southern politicians more.

Critters like Republican Corker are using this opportunity to kill off Northern competition and destroy a major union (the UAW). But they won't be just gutting the Unions. They'll be gutting 3 million Americans jobs ranging from management at the plants all the way down to the stores that sell the parts.

All the while they'll keep putting money into the pockets of the Japanese car firms manufacturing cars in the South.

You see it helps their constituency to ensure the continued decimation of unions across this country.

As beltane over at dKos noted, LBJ said that with the passage of the Civil Rights bill, the Democratic party would lose the South for a generation. Now it is the Republican's turn to lose the rest of the country for a generation.

The only region left that will think of Republicans without loathing is the poor South. What goes around comes around. The confederate flag in which they've decided to wrap themselves will be a fitting funeral shroud.

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