Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A debate on debates

Whisky fire contends that we should actively marginalize what's left of the paleolithic right. Hilzoy over at the The Washington Note thinks we should pretend the rabid bloggers of the right don't exist since they no longer have power.

Interesting debate, actually.

I tend to think ridicule and continued marginalization are the more appropriate route because anyone who self identifies with the likes of torture okaying, global warming denying, Iran bombing, gay hating Sarah Palin is too dangerous a person to just ignore. From the bones of such anti-intellectualism will arise a fearsome new party filled with Karl Rove acolytes, Nascar moms, and Jesus Christers ready to take it home for God and the USA. Toby Keith ain't dead yet, and it's best we don't forget the last decades worth of pain and shame his jingoist attitude has wrought.

So keep the blog fires burning at the entrance to those caves, boys. We'll want to know when the walking dead try to come back out.

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