Friday, November 7, 2008

Grab your ankles, Rushie pooh

Rush rants...
Here comes the Internet onslaught, and we've seen how Harry Reid and Pelosi bent over, grabbed the ankles for and Daily Kos.
Sounds like not a little homophobia mixed in with the general netroots will take over the world, hysteria. But whatever. Rush has got to be the perfect emblem for what's left of the Republican base. Incredibly unknowledgeable about almost anything that matters, prejudiced, mean and extremely scared about the future. He defies the first rule in the art of war, know your enemy. He has no idea who the netroots are, or how to even articulate the tsunami that made his pathetic squawk box irrelevant.

Oh Rushie pooh. Your mind is old and your platform is older. You're a fat bucket full of poisonous pills and bad ideas and the only people still listening to you are so freaked out they want to split the country because you've sold them on the idea that the Marxist Muslim Terrorists is coming!


Go back to the cave you crawled out of and learn to evolve, dude. No one's buying what you're trying to sell.

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