Sunday, November 9, 2008

Post election Pundit roundup

Courtesy of DemfromCT:

Frank Rich:

The festive scenes of liberation that Dick Cheney had once imagined for Iraq were finally taking place — in cities all over America.

Jonathan Chait:

What part of "overwhelming electoral defeat" does the GOP not understand?

In any case, Palin is so like Bush it's astounding the conservatives want anything to do with her.

Hugh Bailey:

If we're a center-right country, how is Indiana a blue state?

...The only age range that supported McCain was 65 and older. For obvious reasons, that's a tough group to base your future around.

Eleanor Clift:

Obama joins the pantheon of FDR and LBJ as the third biggest vote getter on the Democratic side in terms of the percentage of votes cast.

Fred Barnes:

We got whupped, and we'd better come to terms. Patience is a virtue.

Sharon Begley:

The truly poisonous legacy of the past eight years is one that spread to much of society and will therefore be much harder to undo: the utter contempt with which those in power viewed inconvenient facts, empiricism and science in general.

Michael Hirsh:

After eight years of proud incuriosity and anti-intellectualism, we now have a leader who values nuance and careful thought.

Nicholas Kristoff:

Maybe, just maybe, the result will be a step away from the anti-intellectualism that has long been a strain in American life.

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