Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pro-Life, say what?

I'm always amazed when people piously tell me they are voting 'pro-life' and then explain that this principle is actually supported by the Republican platform.

Say what?

The only thing pro-life about the Republican platform is Dick Cheney’s stents. Even then, you got to address the quality issue. I mean, really, was it worth it?

Well, yes, I suppose I know. Republicans are all about this pro-life as in anti-abortion, as in, more specifically, women don’t get to decide what old gray guys do decide, despite the fact that women incur all the risk, all the burden and all the expense of a newborn. Pro-Life, pro-expense. I get it. That's how they balance their budgets too.

But I prefer the term, 'quasi-fascist-religious institution filled with erotically suppressed men telling ladies what they should do with their lives'.

I guess it’s all in how your frame things.

But even from a quasi-fascist-religious view, considering the nearly million souls, dead or displaced from Iraq, the main policy makers in this and John McCain’s administration still throbbing with desire to kill Iranians in addition to the Iraqis they’ve already murdered, how, exactly, does anyone come away thinking that casting a vote for these assholes is somehow ‘pro-life’, much less a pious Catholic who is supposed to take such terms (life, pro) relatively seriously?

So here's my question to pious quasi-fascist Catholics everywhere. What are you guys smoking? You think Jesus (nice guy, Jew, brown beard, hung out with twelve guys in different rooms every other night. Think about it) is going to love you for voting for someone who wants to start another war with Iran? Didn't he say something about swords directly opposed to that? Maybe I was imagining that bit about living and dying by a sword? More specifically, do you really think Jesus gives a rip about abortion or gays?

If so, please quote your source. Seriously. I ask you this because I want you to spend the next ten days reading every page of the New Testament to discover what I'll tell you now. He never said a word about either topic. It's all very childish make believe by institutions that have fouled your life (and mine) in his name. So, when you discover your entire voting behavior is predicated on a falsehood, please avoid the polls on Tuesday because we have no more need for quasi-fascist, barely literate individuals or institutions ruling our fortunes any longer. We've had enough of that nonsense already.

That will be all.

The Rest of Us

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