Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pay Back is a Bitch

Looks like the church of the Latter Day Saints and its various fund raising entities are getting some serious blow back from the gay community because of their support for the anti-Gay marriage initiative, Proposition 8.

Here, in one pleasant reading is the list of all those who contributed to the mormon effort to make gay folks second class citizens.

I can't say that I blame them. Now Rick Moran and a few other dim bulbs on the right are railing against this because....
Rather than trying to change their opinion, they are making these people enemies for life. And carrying out pogroms like this against people who oppose gay marriage based on their religious beliefs borders on bigotry

To which one can respond in three ways.

1)Duh, if you are forcing all gays into second class citizenhood, you are prima facie already an enemy for life.

2)You can note as tBlogg at firedoglake has, righteously:
The kind of person who contributes money to deny their fellow citizens their civil rights are not someday magically going to be part of the solution: they're the problem. These are not people to be reasoned with; they're ignorant, they're haters and they're bigots and the only thing people like that understand is power.

So when they stick their noses in other people's affairs, they forfeit the right to be considered just another "ordinary person". They're involved and they would be foolish to expect that those other people in whose private affairs they have meddled wouldn't return the favor. As they say: you pays your money and you takes your chances.

You don't get to heaven above by trampling someone else's heaven on earth.

3) Pogrom? You sign up and fund an initiative whose sole aim is to deny citizens their rights and you think being called out on this is somehow putting you in a pogrom? Talk about a whacked victimization complex. Do you even know what a pogrom is? This is a pogrom:
Every pogrom is, by definition, a kind of riot - though there are many riots which are not pogroms. Some pogroms involve killing, and some escalate to mass killing which can be defined as a massacre. However there are massacres which are not pogroms (when the victims are not targeted by ethnicity).

For many disputed events, the borderlines between these three terms - "riot", "pogrom" and "massacre" - can be very vague and hard to define. In cases which are the subject of controversy, typically the victimized side and its supporters tend to use "pogrom" and/or "massacre", while apologists for the aggressor side tend to reduce the debated event to having been "a riot".

Publishing a list and urging people not to buy from folks who are insane bigots is not a pogrom. It's justice. Get used to it.

Finally, Some of the entries on the list make for quite amusing reading when taken in the context of an anti-gay initiative.

For example, there's a sheep rancher who apparently donated $1000 to keep gays from marrying each other. Wonder if he was worried about his flock vis a vis Rick Santorum's slippery slope theory of gayness. You know, you start buggering a guy, the next thing you know it will be man on dog. Could man on sheep be far behind (so to speak)?...

Oh, and here's a weird one. A wedding planner donated $10,000 to keep gays from marrying each other.

What's wrong with this picture?

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